Supabase Config
The following Supabase configuration options are supported via the edge.yaml
file. All options are optional.
# The path to root of where your Supabase project exists.
projectPath: '.'
# An object of functions and their entrypoints to build.
# This is used if you have multiple Supabase function entrypoints.
dart_edge: 'lib/main.dart'
# The compiler optimization level to use for development builds.
devCompilerLevel: 01
# The compiler optimization level to use for production builds.
prodCompilerLevel: 04
# Whether to exit the development watch process when a build fails.
exitWatchOnFailure: false
Multiple entrypoints
It's common in a Supabase project to have multiple entrypoints for your Supabase functions, since Supabase deploys multiple Edge Functions per entrypoint.
By default, a dart_edge
function will be created, which points to your lib/main.dart
file. Use the functions
to specify additional entrypoints, for example
api_handler: 'lib/api.dart'
webhook_handler: 'lib/webhooks.dart'