Vercel Edge

The Vercel Edge Network network is a popular platform for deploying serverless Edge functions. Alongside the performant runtime environment, your code can be easily deployed and managed through your own Vercel account, providing access to preview builds, environment customization, and more.

Getting Started#

Before getting started, you need to install the vercel CLI globally.

Next, either use the edge CLI command or setup manually:

Open the lib/main.dart file to view the minimal HTTP request fetch handler:

void main() {
  VercelEdge(fetch: (request) {
    return Response("Hello World!");

Each incoming request to your edge function will be passed to the fetch handler, which is expected to return a Response instance. The fetch handler provides a Request instance which contains useful information about the incoming request, such as the method, URL, headers, body and more.

Local development#

To run your application locally, use the vercel dev command from the root of your project:

vercel dev
# or vc dev

If this is your first time running the command, you'll be prompted to login to your Vercel account and choose (or create) a project to link to.

This command will start a development server where you can access your application, by default at http://localhost:3000. Any changes you make to your Dart code will trigger a hot-reload.

You can change what port the application runs on by providing the --listen 3001 argument to the dev command.


To deploy your application to Vercel, first build your application running the following command from the root of your project:

vercel build

Once built, you can deploy using the deploy command:

vercel deploy --prebuilt

The --prebuilt flag tells Vercel to skip the build step, as we've already built the application (since Vercel cannot compile Dart on their servers). We'll likely create a GitHub action to handle this process automatically in the future.